Read 1: /scratch/aob2x/dest/fastq/SRS1577405_1.fastq.gz Read 2: /scratch/aob2x/dest/fastq/SRS1577405_2.fastq.gz Sample name: ON_su_15_spring Output directory: /project/berglandlab/DEST/dest_mapped/pipeline_output/ Number of cores used: 16 Max cov: 0.95 Min cov 10 base-quality-threshold 15 illumina-quality-coding 1.8 min-indel 5 Maxsnape 0.9 theta: 0.005 D: 0.01 priortype: informative Read 1: /scratch/aob2x/fastq/SRX1968320_1.fastq.gz Read 2: /scratch/aob2x/fastq/SRX1968320_2.fastq.gz Sample name: ON_su_15_spring Output directory: /project/berglandlab/DEST/dest_mapped/pipeline_output Number of cores used: 10 Max cov: 0.95 Min cov 4 base-quality-threshold 25 illumina-quality-coding 1.8 min-indel 5 Maxsnape 0.9 theta: 0.005 D: 0.01 priortype: informative Maxsnape 0.9 theta: 0.005 D: 0.01 priortype: informative Maxsnape 0.9 theta: 0.005 D: 0.01 priortype: informative Maxsnape 0.9 theta: 0.005 D: 0.01 priortype: informative